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“Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.”  Denis Waitley

I took this shot from the beach at Hanalei Pier as the sun was setting over the Bali Hai Mountains (taken from the movie South Pacific which was filmed just north of here).  Such a beautiful and serene shot.  I had been playing around most of the afternoon with slow shutter speed shots under the pier.  When I finally popped out to see what Glen was up to – this is the scene I captured.  

Kind of takes your breath away eh?  And gives a person pause to think about where you are in life, where you’ve come from, where you are going . . . I have huge respect for the fact that the answer to those questions is different for each and every one of us.  For me what I know for sure is that every experience I’ve had in my life has created the person I am today.  

I am grateful for every one of those moments, good or bad.  I am determined going forward that in my experience of life . . . I am leaving positive footprints for others to follow, and leaving a trail of positive energy for others to be inspired as well.  



“I don’t care about my looks but I wish people will see my soul and it appears more clearly in these photographs than in others.” – August Strindberg- said about a series of self-portraits. 

I continue to be supremely challenged to put myself fully before the camera.  It’s so easy to capture a shadow or reflection that gives a suggestion, but not the real image.  Every once in awhile though, I surprise myself and actually capture something I like.  I like this image.  I look content, I look happy.  I am content, and I am happy.  I’m in a great place in my life, with few of the worries, stresses, illnesses of so many people I know.  Unfortunately, I have lost too many dear, close loved ones to cancer or other illness/tragedy way before their time.  

I am not a “religious” person, so therefore I believe that life happens . . . some things we have control over and some things we do not.  In no way is my life perfect, and I’m certainly not perfect.  However, I do believe it’s up to me to live my life to the best of my ability, physically and emotionally.  I am responsible for my own results, and if “life happens”, I have choice in how I deal with it.  If I die tomorrow, it’s the impact and influence I’ve made on the people around me, the ones I leave behind, that carry my spirit forward.  I live on in the energy I create and put out in the world.  That energy can be positive or negative . . . my choice.  

I choose positive energy, as it is the basis of harmony, happiness and love.  




April 2024

Craft & Vision Affiliate

Advanced Photography Techniques

Michael the Maven Affiliate

Trey Ratcliff Affiliate

Liv Lane Affiliate

Rock the Shot Affiliate

Kelby Training Affiliate

NAPP Referral Program